Feita de Luz

“What is this light that comes from the Sea?”


Celebrating Bahia, the “Baianas” (Bahian Women) and the Women of the African diaspora.

Choreography & Direction: Vanessa Agle Isaac


Adriane Butler

Amber Giorgi Mallea

Anastasia Smith

Karen Madler

Tina Donaldson

Vanessa Agle Isaac

Videography: Eamonn McGeough

Photography & Additional Videography: Chris La Rosa

Singer: Mariane de Castro

Songs: Abre Caminho and Prece de Pescador

This is an ode to Bahia, the Afro Brazilian motherland, it’s people and my first home. Bahia is the land of my beloved Mother and Grandmother. It is also a tribute to the Afro Brazilian traditions, the cities of Ilhéus and São Salvador de Todos os Santos (Brazil’s first Capital). This Contemporary Choreography is inspired by Samba de Roda, the Baianas of Acarajé (Afro Brazilian Women) and the tradition of dressing in white on Friday’s in respect to Oxalá, father of all Orixas and symbol of creativity and peace, and Yemanjá, the queen of the Sea.

Colors, rhythms and flavors live in this dance memory.


Behind The Scenes

Movement Integration & Shooting the Video

The Company. Photo by Chris La Rosa

“To be honest, ethnography does not interest me that much. I don’t like studying people… what I like is to live with people and see how their lives are different from mine… “ Pierre Verger, French Ethnologist, Photographer & Writer Verger made his home in Bahia, a researcher of the Afro Brazilian traditions and culture.


Baianas in Brazil

“In Bahia you find yourself in the heart of the heart of Brazil, where the magic comes from. If you want to get there, just follow the sound of the drums.” Anthony Bourdain